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Classes & Workshops

Group Classes

Bodies in Balance

Exercise class for 60+: cardio and weight circuit, balance, agility and brain fitness. Sponsored by LFUCG-no charge. ​

      Charles Young Center

      540 East 3rd Street

      Every MWF 9:30am - 10:30am 

Drums Alive

A fun 60 minute fitness program using stability balls and drumsticks, this class combines the benefits of traditional physical fitness programs with the brain benefits of music and rhythm. 

Brains and Balance 

In this 4-week series, learn about brain fitness and balance skills with physical and cognitive activities. Fun and informative! 

Contact me if you would like these programs at your facility!



Empowerment group drumming program designed to promote deeper understanding of the self and others, overcome obstacles, promote creativity and enhance well-being. Research has shown that HealthRHYTHMS can help strengthen the immune system and reduce stress. This program can be customized to the needs and interests of the group.

Fall Prevention and Recovery

Exercises for fall prevention, balance training, and mindful living for fall prevention

In development

Strong Bodies, Sharp Minds

The role of physical activity and brain health 

In development

Exercise is Medicine

The benefits of exercise for overall health

In development

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